This episode lays down the complete playbook of what you need to do to be able to perform your duties with a winner’s mindset as early into this year as possible and the systems you need to employ that will help compel you into action everyday to do your job with the same level of commitment and clarity of what you want and the person you want to be

Chadi enumerates the specific skills anyone in the real estate industry should be leveraging more of in order to grow your business this 2023, from your social media presence, your listing presentation, your tactics to bring you back into a state of feeling good, down to the deeper more intangible stuff of connecting to people and becoming the professional who your clients can trust, respect and follow lead regardless of the economy.

Key Contents:
  • Your compelling reason
  • Who are you being?
  • Creating a simple business plan
  • Creating a simple daily schedule
  • Daily personal development education
  • What makes you feel good?
  • Becoming the best at what you do


“The Why is more important than the How” ~Chadi Bazzi


“When you are CLEAR on what you want and why you want it you will gain CONFIDENCE to pursue that which you want the most” ~Chadi Bazzi


“How you feel determines the actions you take each and every single day” ~Chadi Bazzi


“How do I get anyone anywhere anytime to like me, trust me, respect me and follow my lead?” ~Chadi Bazzi

“There is 0 substitution for the work that you got to do” ~Chadi Bazzi

Chadi’s Social Media:

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