In this episode I interview Chris Watters and learn how he went from selling 6 homes in his first year to building a team that sells 1200 homes in a year.

A large part of Chris’s success was reading, being coachable, and surrounding himself with the people who have accomplished everything he has tried to accomplish.

Learn why staying on your path and being committed will take you beyond what you’ve ever dreamed is possible. To believe in yourself is crucial to achieving your goals.

Chris’s book “The Million Dollar Real Estate Team” is a documented journey that goes into detail about the pitfalls and failure that he had to overcome and how you can avoid them to reach success.

To get Chris’s book for FREE visit and use the promo code “goteamgo”

Connect with Chris on facebook by sending him a message or visit

Go to and use promo code “123” to get 50% off.

Listen and Learn:

  • Reading is crucial to feeding your brain
  • Why believing in yourself is important
  • How you can raise the bar by being around people at the next level
  • Mastering one area of lead generation
  • Plus so much more.

Episode Resources:

Chadi Bazzi on Facebook

Chadi Bazzi on Youtube

Chadi Bazzi on Instagram